Saturday, 17 August 2013

Church rebukes Eric Omondi for taking joke too far.

Comedy is fast rising in Kenya and consequently, comedians are getting a harder time coming up with fresh jokes.

It is no wonder Erick Omondi recently got heavy criticism for overstepping what according to many are his boundaries.
During a recent comedy show that was also televised, Eric made a comic strip where he was in Kisumu and aping Jesus, he pretended to turn stones into bread. He then asked his ‘disciples’ to bring fish, which he then proceeded to multiply as well.
But Nairobi Pentecostal Church where he is a member did not buy the joke.

Members felt he was taking a joke too far and they summoned and warned him about it. We can only wait and see what his next jokes will be about.

PHOTO of Amani Pantless on Stage

Talk of Amani going ballistic and declaring wealth literally, then the latest photos of her pant less on stage are anything to wonder.
All we can do now is to sit back and help wonder if this is a new trendy way for musician who are eager to remain relevant in the music industry.