Thursday, 12 July 2012


      When Miguna Miguna first talked of writing a book about his former boss, I knew it would fall nothing less than pilling his own mask. He went ahead and gave a huge sneak preview of what the book would be about; his former boss, Prime Minister Raila Amollo Odinga. For a moment I feared for the Prime Minister that his former aide would spill the millet around chickens. But now as the book is already published and about to circulate the market, I now realize the consequences Magana’s Pearling Back the Mask has subjected him to.
     The book presents a sinister insider’s account of the intrigues, discussions and power plays that have occurred in Kenya’s “corridors of power” in recent years majoring on what transpired during and after elections making it a must read for everyone interested in social justice and pristine governance in Africa. The book depicts a cowardly and dishonest leader undeserving of the praise and attention leaving one to wonder how guileless Miguna can be. In a nutshell, Peeling Back the Mask narrates to the public how Prime Minister`s rulings is dire.
     For me, Peeling back the Mask, Miguna’s account of his time as a senior aide to PM Raila Odinga, is one of the most explosive books in the country and compares to John Githongo’s revelations on grand corruption within President Kibaki’s circle.
     When Miguna Miguna first came on screen and talked about how Raila used to call him 'Janyando' and so on, I for once compared him to a jilted lover and knew he was losing it. Unlike in most cases, Miguna will never merit from his service as Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s Adviser.
 Referring to himself as a Barrister and Solicitor, Mediator and ADR Consultant, Miguna is expected to manifest utmost discretion in keeping secret what is meant to be such. However, in this case he has defied norms and has since gone public and talked about the negative things about his former boss, something that even me cannot do given a chance.
One thing Miguna Miguna does not understand is that the public is judging him on his credibility to make a good adviser? Most of his clients who need a great deal of confidentiality will from now on shy away from him. Nobody will ever entrust him with any serious law suit .
If what Miguna claims about Prime Minister Raila Odinga has some basis and that he wasn’t pleased with what happened in ODM, why didn’t  he come out and condemn it then? Miguna has taken on an act that none of his colleague would have taken. Try comparing him with PNU rebels like former Justice and Constitutional Minister Martha Karua. When she was not pleased with what went on in PNU management and felt short changed, she resigned and played low. That is the courage I expected Miguna to emulate.
Thumbs up for Prime Minister’s tactful silence about Miguna’s distress. I don’t know how best the Prime Minister could have handled such a runny mouth from a former aide.
                                                                                      by Killion James.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


   [Giving You thanks Jesus
Dear Jesus, we give You thanks for a brand
new day,
we thank You for our health and strength
from day to day.
We give You thanks for the blessings, You
pour into our lives..
You are such a awesome God...
Jesus, there are those who need you in a
special way.
We ask that You would surround them
with your love and protection at this time.
We ask that You will anoint those who need
and that You would take away the pain.
Lord, that Your mighty hand would reach
and touch them in a special way.
Lord, we know we are nothing on our own,
we need You more today than yesterday.
So we pray that You would just come along
side now
and touch those who need a special touch
from You.
Guide in ways that we may think is
but nothing is impossible with the God we
Jesus, You are the Rock in which we can hide
from all the storms that come our way.
Lord, draw each one close in Your loving
arms right now.
May they feel so loved in Your presence.
Lord, for those who need Salvation, we
the blood upon them in these last days of
How we pray that they would realize your
is near and the importance of being ready...
We pray their eyes would come open to
truth and their hearts would recieve You.
We are not worthy of all your love but,
through your precious blood you made us
You are always there when we cry out to
You always say, I'm here my child, "Come
unto me"
We thank you for our families, those that
gave us to teach and to love, we give You
for the work you are doing in their lives.
We ask that You would place a hedge of
around them at this moment..
We continue to pray for those who is still
not into the fold of God we continue
to pray that Jesus, You will wait a little
longer a few more days to get our loved
ones in...
We pray that a revivial would sweep over
world in the mighty name of Jesus and save
our people before it's too late.
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in
the world.
Giving You thanks Jesus!
© 2005 Bernice Ward
Bernice's Inspirations
Mat 6:9...... After this manner therefore
pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name. Mat 6:10 Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in
heaven. Mat 6:11 ...Give us this day our daily
bread. Mat 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as
we forgive our debtors. Mat 6:13 And lead
us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the
power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.........]
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